Dec 3.2017:
The Day BetaMountain.Org Came Home
In a completely bizarre occurrence today during an exchange with @Marienro2 on Twitter that had the url typed out, I clicked the link. I got a DNS not found result.
Flashback around 13 years ago, after an unfortunate series of events that transpired after handing the domain off to another individual, and trust me that losing the domain was nothing compared to the real life events that led to the losing of it, the domain expired and got picked up by a squatter. It sat there in that state for years, presumably until some time this summer and then undiscovered by me until today.
I jumped on it. BetaMountain is home (literally in some ways). If feels good. To be up front, I'm not sure what direction the site will go from here, things (links, scripts, etc) are broken, the place is a mess, but the site is here back under the rightful name!
I need to post more about this in the future but if you haven't heard yet, there's a Galaxy Ranger's podcast out there and you need to go check it out. Check out for more information and give it a listen (make sure you check out Episode 9)!
Please note the site link and update your bookmarks to I'm leaving this site in place for a short while and will redirect it automatically sometime in the near future.

Galaxy Stranger
April 28, 2003
Hello. I feel
really bad about not being able to dedicate as much time to getting 2.0 up, but life is very hectic right now (Now
I know how Rabbi Bob always felt). I'm busily working on
2.0 and will have it up shortly.
Former writer
for the Galaxy Rangers, Mr. Cy Voris has done an outstanding
job with Bulletproof Monk.
I read several
reviews about Bulletproof Monk prior to seeing it and overall,
it's not a critical success; however, it is one of the most entertaining movies
I have seen in a long time. Matter of fact, it's now my favorite
movie of all time. Makes me wanna become a buddhist... oh, wait
a minute... I did become a buddhist... I still don't get the
whole 10 hot dogs, 8 buns thing, but when I do, I'll have achieved
Feb 27.2003:
the banner picture name was fitting.
Déjà vu...
I am retiring from editing/webmastering
as of today. I've enjoyed the last four years of having the
site out there and even more just getting the random email
from far corners of the globe saying "I can't believe there
are other people out there who liked the show!" Knowing that
there wasn't only myself, but an entire group tucked away on
Ranger-L made it that much more worthwhile.
I was surprised earlier this month
when I finally browsed the access log and found that by Feb
13th the numbers were Avg daily hits: 1549 & Monthly total:
18599. Of course with my luck 80% of those were web spiders <EG>.
I posted nearly 1 year worth of access stats
Warm thanks to Dan, Kaymo, Mr.
Mandell, Cy, David Rosler, John Rawlins from the series for
spending the time with help, comments, stories, submissions
and just plainly being loyal to the fan base. I'm going to
miss pimping Dan out like I used to as it wasn't a true
update unless I posted about something new he had written. <EG>
Thanks to everyone who contributed to the GR CD's, for
without that work, Betamountain would be a pale comparison of
what it is today. Thanks to E.B. & LN for the morale support
here & there. (I never say moral support; to me it is like
Water Resistant not meaning "resistant to water". My morals
were never in need of support, my morale however...)
The wife and I are moving back to
Maine in a few weeks. The baby is on the way in May and I see
time for projects that are already collecting dust getting
smaller and smaller. Rather than let a good thing grow more
stagnant, I'm handing it over.
Xander Christ will be the new
webmaster and sooner or later (probably later) the site
itself will move to his own server. I'm sure the site will
move forward in a much better (and faster) direction and will
be in capable hands. After four years of having the site, I'm
a little touched <G>. It came along way from "The Cryocrypt"
on Geocities.
My email address will be rabbibob @
after we move and I'll be lurking as always on Ranger-L in
some capacity, off in the corner where I think I belong.
Things you may want to visit and
archive for your own usage:
Best regards,
Rabbi Bob
my final plug, check out Christopher Rowley's latest book
titled Doom's Break the 3rd Book of Arna.
Here is a link to it on Amazon. Good to see another
chapter in the series out there.
Nov 12.2002:
Moment Of Silence
I don't even have the words. A great fan of the show, a
valiant mailing list member and most of all, one of those
noble souls you meet online and consider a friend has left
us. This November 7th, Jason E. Ehlers, a.k.a 'Mauler',
passed away at the young age of 32 of natural causes.
Going to miss you. - Mike

Ranger Mauler
Oct 2.2002:
Out of touch...
Out of
touch with reality for awhile. It seems my account on
Ranger-L decided to stop receiving posts, so where I would
normally have the spill over from the list to give you links
to new fanfic, this time it is not the case.
While not GR related totally, I wanted to announce that the
Wife & I are expecting a child next year :) She's only
nearly a couple months along, but we're just plain giddy
(except when she's nauseous, then the giddiness is at a low).
Finished reading a slew of Christopher Rowley books:
War For Eternity, The Black Ship, Starhammer and now I'm
reading Golden Sunlands. Having read most of the
fantasy novels already, the science fiction books by Rowley
are quite change of pace.
Andy Thomas
emailed me with a link to his webpage where he has the intro
videos for numerous 80's cartoons (including Galaxy Rangers,
of course) in the WMV format for download. Check out
80's Multimedia at SFXB for more. Thanks Andy!