Thursday 10-26-00          

Updated the Episode Guide with a new entry for Shoot-out.  So get your Crunchies and go take a peek.

While grabbing some screenshots for an upcoming ep guide entry for Psychocrystal, the following picture of Longshot was put together.  Possibly the first in a series to come with each additional ep guide entry.

longshot.jpg (49863 bytes)


Wednesday 10-11-00          


Where does the time go?  I've decided that I like doing this site way too much, so I'm back into it.  Lee and I will be both bringing you Beta Mountain together for awhile.  So, with this update, there are a couple surprises to mention:

And on a bad note:

It feels good to be back,



Thursday 09-07-00


Welcome Aboard

Welcome back to Beta Mountain!   As the newly appointed webmaster I am planning on getting things back on track here at Beta.    

Our first order of business is to determine the location of RangerCon 4, the annual Rangers-L get together!

Several locales have been mentioned and the voting booth is open!

Lee Thompson



Sunday 08-12-00          

Farewell & A New Direction

     While Betamountain has been officially opened for business for a little less than a year, I've been working on it for just about a year to this day.  I'm sad to say that I'll be leaving and moving on to pursue some life with my band.  Not to fret (guitar humor..), I will be passing on to someone that I feel is more than capable of continuing the work here & who may be able to breath some new life with his abilities into the project.  I plan to do a few episode guide entries in the future, so I'll be putting in my two cents in one form or another.  After this post, I'll be assembling all the data I have and mailing it out next week to the new mystery webmaster.

     So, as my final update, I'd like to say thanks to everyone that helped out on the sidelines and to everyone who sent in mail to ask about the series and what was happening with it.  It has been a pleasure creating something that honored something that people enjoyed and in turn was enjoyed itself.

     Take care & Farewell,

Rabbi Bob

a.k.a.  Mike Beane


Rangers Ho!


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