December 27.2001:  Dan Fiorella at Prairie Home Companion

DanF has a few bits of material that appears on various A Prairie Home Companion radio broadcasts from time to time.  Some parts appears credited as 'extra material' or 'idea contributed by.'  Below is a list that their search engine turned up and I'm still listening to the RealAudio clips as I type this. 

Here's the list:


December 25.2001:  Betamountain Forum, Christmas Fanfic

Merry Christmas! 

Tried this back in the first year with a couple of cgi forum programs with little success, but I figured it was time to give it a whirl again.  Using the old server we used to be on, I've started the Betamountain Forum.  To use it, you'll have to register as a user, but then it's all open from there. 180 different profile pictures from the series to choose from, instant messaging/inbox/outbox and other neat things are available.  Hopefully it will become a tool for the GR community and those who don't feel like joining the mailing list can use it to interact with the rest of us nuts.

    Yes, there are pop-ups....

AKK has yet another Christmas fanfic (she never rests, I swear).  Check out A Christmas Dream over on her site.


December 23.2001:  Bulletproof Monk

...and one day later I come across Cy Voris again in the mainstream.  Bulletproof Monk credits Cy Voris & Ethan Reiff for screenwriting in an upcoming film starring Chow Yun Fat & with John Woo in the current production credits. I checked out only to find (as written about) that it only posts to MGM's movie site.  A few links later, I found the following sites:

December 22.2001:  Toys, Renegade Rangers from Cy Voris, Dan Fiorella, Christmas fanfic, more..

The semester is over, all the tests and projects are done and only seven more credit hours until graduation.  It feels good.  If you haven't seen Fellowship of the Ring yet, you should.  No spoilers (if that's possible, but it has been surfacing that not everyone has read the books, so I won't spoil).  Just an amazing movie and the greatest downfall is that it will be 12 months until the next one. 

        Snow is everywhere and the seasonal transition has been made.  Yes, that means removing the bike and kayak racks to put the ski rack up on the car <EG>.  We went from almost no snow to nine inches on the 21st. 

Found some toy pictures  online at for whatever reason, there is no direct link, so click here to see the pics.  It would be noteworthy to mention that Ryan Murphy also has an excellent toy gallery on his site here.

Dan Fiorella recently appeared on Staten Island Live website ( with a little rant titled 'Whither Weatherman?'  It's nice to know that this sort of thing isn't just restricted to Maine.

AKK has her collection of annual GR Christmas stories posted at her site.  Give 'The Christmas Trilogy' a read!

Ok, enough teasing.  Sometimes it feels like I come up with more things to get people to leave the site than to stick around.  With that in mind, you should grab something to drink and munch on, then head over to see the scanned copy of the Renegade Rangers screenplay.  Thanks to Cy Voris for sending the copy and to Lee T. for taking the time out to scan the 20 or so pages.  So. Merry Christmas from and consider this your early present from us.

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